Last Minute Scramble

In less than 32 hours...I will be seated, probably rather uncomfortably, on an aisle seat of most likely an Airbus 380. I won't have a single thought in my head about school, midterms, research, work, medical school, water polo, community service, committee obligations etc. I'm guessing that's because I'll be asleep as soon as my bag is securely under the seat in front of me, but if not, it's because I'm going to be so stoked about my European adventure springbreak, that I won't even bother to worry about all that stuff. I am so amped just thinking about it!

Now I just have to get there. Because in approximately 24 hours I will be seated, definitely very uncomfortably, in a seat in SGM 123 most likely tanking my Bio exam. I'm so angry of it is standing in my way of my tour of Madrid, Salzburg and Munich. But alas, it is. My final obstacle to spring break. And it's HUGE. I mean like seriously, I would rather take any other test than this one. I like the stuff as I'm reading it (cell communication and respiration, photosynthesis, mitosis, meiosis, and metabolism), but it's just so much. And it's on a Friday afternoon! The Friday afternoon before spring break. Rude. Hahaha. Totally would have been ok with it last Friday. But since it's tomorrow, it is now a personal affront to my springbreak plans. So I'm going to kick its butt. Hopefully. That would require actually studying. So I guess I should get to that. 

Current mood: Cool

Switching Majors

Recently I've thought a lot about changing my major...from Biomedical to Environmental Engineering. It's kind of funny actually because I originally applied as an ENE major, but I switched to BME during registration. So anyways, now I think I'd like to go back to it. I guess I just can't deny my tree-hugger roots. No pun intended. I think BME is really cool, just not for me. For some reason I'm just not really feeling my classes. I think I'd like something a bit more tangible. The ENE program is mostly Civil Engineering courses, which are really hands on and more traditional engineering stuff. In the Biotechnology track of ENE, I still have to take all the pre-med classes, so I could still go to medical school (which is my plan right now). But this way, if I change my mind (or don't get in, but let's not consider that option), I have a degree, and job prospects, that I just find more interesting. And better suited for what I want to do with my life. I can't really explain it. I think I'm going through one of those mid-life crisis things, except that I'm not yet 20. So more like mid-college crisis. Anyways, now I just have to figure out the scheduling. A lot of the classes I took for BME should count for the ENE curriculum. But I'm not positive yet. I know my intro course transfers (all freshman engineers take a 101 class for their specific discipline their first semester), and I think my 2 computer programming classes and Statics should as well. That's what I'm hoping for anyways. Because if they do, then I should be good to go! I suppose I should make an appointment with the ENE advisor, because all this talk is useless if my credits won't transfer. But my experience has been that they're pretty helpful and accomodating. I guess that's all I've got. I'll report back if this works out. Any questions about different disciplines or changing majors/classes, let me know.
Current mood: Cool


It's 7:35, and I'm going to bed...I feel like I'm 5. But I don't care. I am so tired. This morning I had a paper due for my Arts & Letters class. It was the first paper I've had to write in over a year (such is the life of an engineer). And of course, instead of working on it over the 3 day weekend, I proceeded to start writing last night at 9 PM. I finished at 3:45 AM. Awesome. Then I had a meeting at 8 AM and stuff pretty much straight through until now. I'm supposed to be at water polo pratice by I feel like crap and I'm pretty sure I'd die during the swim set. So I'm calling it quits and going to bed. I guess I'll study for my midterm tomorrow, well, tomorrow. I figure I should be up at like 4 if I go to bed now. So pathetic. I'm not good at the whole all-nighter, stereotypical college thing. I need my sleep! So sorry this is highly uninteresting. I promise a much more enticing entry next time.
Current mood: Dead

My European Escapade

So now I'm starting to sound SO spoiled...I know that. Last week I was telling you about my summer adventures in Asia. And this week, it's Europe. But I just bought my ticket and I'm really excited. Two of my bes friends are studying abroad this semester. One in Salzburg, Austria and the other in Madrid.  And thanks to the tanking economy, I just found a roundtrip ticket for $545! That's insane. And I would have been insane not to buy it, right? Ok, so I know everyone is supposed to be saving right now. But I figure, I have the money, so I should spend it. You know, and help out the economy. Ok, bad rationale. How about this one. I'm only young once. And this is the time for things like this right? I mean, once I graduate and go to medical school, or get a job, I won't have spring braks to just go galavanting around Europe. So why not do it now? And what am I saving for anyway? I worked all summer, and I work two jobs during the year. I make enough to live on and put some away. I'm not a big clothes shopper, and I don't need toys. Obviously this is what the money is for. I work hard, I think I deserve a little fun. Plus, I got $1000 from the Vice Provost Research Fellowship for my research project this semester, which I wasn't counting on. So it's just like bonus money. And now it's my budget. I'm determined to do the entire trip for less than $1000. My ticket flies into Munich and out of Madrid, and a flight between is $60. Plus the train from Munich to Salzburg is about $50. That leaves me $350 in spending money for ten days. I'm staying with my friends, so I don't have to pay for hostels. I think it's definitely do-able. Should be fun. Nothing like being a poor, backpacking student in Europe. How fun! Honestly, I feel pretty guilty for going. I mean, what an extravagant life; Europe this month, China the next. Absurd. But I'm just going to enjoy it, and make sure it really counts. I'm only young once, might as well live it up.
Current mood: Big-Smiley

I Got a Asia!

I am so stoked....I can't even handle it. I found out today that I was accepted for this internship program I had applied to. I mentioned it awhile ago, it's called Global Fellows. It was pretty competitive so I wasn't really sure I'd get it, but now that I have I am so excited! I get to live and work in one of 5 east Asian cities for 8 weeks this summer. And I get paid. And what an adventure! So much better than busing tables at the local seafood restaurant. I don't find out what city I'll be in for a few weeks. The options are Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tapei or Tokyo. I'm thinking Beijing, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. I don't know what kind of work I'll be doing yet, but I'll be down for anything. I kind of just want to see what a working engineer does everyday, I seriously have no idea. Ok I have to go. I have a midterm on Friday and haven't started studying. I'm so amped I can't even be stressed right now...
Current mood: Big-Smiley

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