And we're back.

Sorry I've been gone for a little while.  I had a term paper to write, a final project to do, and a final to study for.  Needless to say, I was busy.  Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that sometimes you get busy and have a lot to deal with.  However, that's no excuse for leaving you, the reader, without material to read for so long.  For that, I apologize.

Speaking of the reader, I'm curious to know what you think.  This blog has covered a range of topics, but it's focus I feel seems to be life in downtown Los Angeles.  I've covered things I enjoy, because I like writing about what I enjoy.  Those are things like concerts, eating, disc golf, friends, and music and movies in general.  I hope that these are things that you enjoy reading about, but I'm not sure.  So, I have a proposal.

The proposal is this.  Let me know what you think of the blog.  Give me your honest opinion.  Let me know about yourself.  Give me your age, and where you're from.  Let me know if this is the first time you're reading this blog, or if you've come here before.  Let me know what I should write about.  Seriously, tell me what I should write about.

I'm interested to know who reads this and what you think.  Hopefully I can continue to provide some interesting insight into what it's like to be a USC student, living in downtown LA.

One last thing, in the new year, I promise to do my restaurant review article that I've talked about before.  I'm going to list the restaurants I love going to and why I love going to them.  I'm also going to tell you where they are.  But for now, yay winter! 


The Beginning of the End

The end of the semester has a way of piling up on you.

 Nice days like today make it not so bad, though. I had my last exam in my Statics class, and because Statics doesn't have a final - in my case - that means I'm done, baby! One down, three to go. I got a package in the mail too!

I like mail.

The class that I'm coaching finished up too. The Freshmen Academy program, for first semester engineering students. They're a  good bunch of students, overall, and I made a couple cool friends. Not to mention some money.

 I like money.

Just two days left of class, a nasty paper due on Monday, three exams between now and the 19th, and then it's home sweet home for a while.

I like home. 

Currently playing:Andrea Bocelli
Current mood: Dead


Even though we were only off for a few days, I still find it hard to roll out of bed at 7:00 AM to get to my morning class. It's not that the time is early (I actually like the morning)'s more the fact we have now entered the final push before the semester is over. A four-day Thanksgiving break is enough where you begin to relax just in time to get back to school and back in the library. Ha. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays even though right after it ends your back in the books gearing up for finals.

I can't wait for winter break!

Current mood:back to the routine

My last midterm, baby!

Today was weird, to be frank.

I started my day getting up for my midterm (up late studying the night before) in my class on Roman Civilization. I ate a rushed bagel, hopped in the shower, and the water didn't work. Lame. I can't start my day without a shower. With nothing to do about it, I hurriedly packed my bag and left for my test, only to pass a notice of utility shutdown from 10AM to 2PM today - which the customer service center managed to forget telling us about.

I was on-time for my test, and even had time to stop by a used book sale on campus - the crap the bookstore didn't want and was selling off by the pound. If only I enjoyed obscure law books!

So I wasn't sure how good or bad today's test would turn out. I hadn't done any of the reading before this weekend, and my attendance/participation had been less than admirable. Between Saturday and Monday night, though, I powered through all of the reading from "A History of Roman Art", and read half of Petronius's "Satyrika" - the former was really quite interesting (when it came to the architecture, at least), and the latter was quite raunchy (and therefore quite entertaining). I also got the other half of the notes from my roommate - we both ended up taking the same class independantly of each other - and was feeling alright about the whole affair.

 Long story short, my test ended up going better than I thought, but that's still no excuse for slacking off.

Now just four more weeks until finals... 

Current mood: Dead

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