Senior week!

This past week was "Senior Week" for my sorority, a weeklong celebration of our last 4 years at college and a time to honor the seniors. It was such a blast and a great way to hang out with all my sorority sisters before we all go our separate ways. I just cant believe how quickly these 4 years went by. It seems like just yesterday I came to college, then I was a new member in the house, then before I knew it I was decorating the bucket of goodies for my big sis, and now its my turn! Wow time flies...

So the week started out with the "Senior send off" on Sunday where we read wills to the rest of the house, which I was unfortunately unable to attend. But basically my will would have included: late night study sessions in the study room eating cereal, Franz's (our chef) amazing lasagna, midnight runs to Chanos, and other such crazy things- all to my amazing little sis in the house.

defaultThen Tuesday night the younger girls in the house dressed up in ridiculous outfits including feather boas, whistles, and tiaras, and we all went together to the 9-0 (the local bar). That was a ton of fun being able to hang out with all my senior sorority sisters. Wednesday night we went to C&O Trattoria, an ammmmmazing Italian food restaurant in Marina Del Rey. And then Thursday we were again dressed up in ridiculous shirts and went to Sharkeez, a fun bar/ restaurant in Manhattan Beach.  It was such an amazing week and I'm going to be so sad to leave all these girls in 4 weeks. But I will never forget all the amazing memories we shared. 

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